vrijdag 8 april 2011


Robert Pattinson isn't happy about the latest photos leaked from Breaking Dawn. Last week there were several honeymoon photos leaked online, and according to Pattinson, it's all raw footage.

"It's just ridiculous. I literally can't believe that it happened. It's raw footage: It's not even what people are going to see. Why do this maliciously? You're not a fan. You're just a d**k. That's all there is to it." Pattinson said while talking with MTV News.

"I'd understand it more if they sold the stuff. But, it's like, 'Oh, you just want to be annoying?' (It's frustrating) especially when you've been working on something for eight months. It's an exciting movie, and everything is so different, and a lot of people have worked really, really hard." Pattinson continued.

We're honestly surprised that more hasn't leaked from Breaking Dawn. I think it's safe to say that it's going to be the most anticipated movie of the year. If they only have a few pictures from raw footage surfacing - we think they're doing pretty good!

What did you think about the Breaking Dawn sex photos that were leaked? Does it make you want to see the honeymoon scene all the more? Sound off in our comment section below!

Bella Swan's Breaking Dawn Wedding Dress: Revealed!

Last Friday, leaked Breaking Dawn sex pics caused a major stir.

Today, another set of images from the upcoming film are making news - G-rated, less controversial news. Bella's wedding dress has been revealed!

EW scored pics from Stephenie Meyer’s new book, The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide, which goes on sale April 12. Below, you can see an artist's conceptualization as Bella as a vampire and Bella as a bride ...

The book’s illustrator, Young Kim, has done a great job bringing Meyer’s characters to life thus far. We imagine the forthcoming, two-part film will be no different.

The book’s illustrator, Young Kim, has done a great job bringing Meyer’s characters to life thus far. We imagine the forthcoming, two-part film will be no different.

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